Legislative Update - October 7, 2020

Legislative Updates,

American Flag Banner with SCRHA Logo and 2020 Voter Guide

Early voting has started and mail ballots are out. It goes without saying that these are unique times, but nothing has changed how important it is that you vote. It may be more important this year than ever before as the rental housing industry continues to be the target of regulation and unfunded eviction moratoriums. To learn more or track your ballot, click here.

SCRHA has created a Voter Guide to help you navigate some of the local and state races. The candidates recommended by the association have demonstrated an understanding of the struggles you face in operating a rental and small business.

Picture of Barbara BryWe are pleased to announce that SCRHA has endorsed Councilmember Barbara Bry for BryMayor of the City of San Diego. Councilmember Bry has a record of opposing rent control and standing up for property owners during discussions of extending the COVID-19 eviction moratorium and associated repayment period. She realizes that no good will come from placing property owners in financial peril and stresses the need for direct rent assistance.

We hope that you were able to attend the Virtual Candidate Forum this past Friday to hear from both mayoral candidates directly. If you would like to learn more about Barbara Bry, you are invited to attend a virtual forum with the candidate, hosted by a fellow SCRHA member, this coming Monday, October 12, at 4 p.m.

Campaign Logo for Barbara Bry

Click here to make a contribution to Barbara Bry for Mayor.

Orange and Blue Words saying No on 21 with icon of broken house

Again, we cannot stress enough how important it is for you to vote in this election. Please make sure you vote NO on Proposition 21 on your ballot. This measure will open the door for unchecked rent control at the local level. SCRHA has a limited quantity of NoOn21 yard signs available! Email Info@socalrha.org to arrange pickup. Our office is closed, so you must have a confirmed pickup time in advance.

Contribute to the NoOnProp21 effort today!

Topics: legislative update, advocacy 2020 election