SCRHA Board Application

Our vision is to re-envision quality housing for all, while our mission is to create a thriving rental housing community through advocacy, education, and collaboration. The SCRHA is a strong focus-driven organization that works diligently to represent the rental housing industry in San Diego, Imperial, and southern Riverside counties. We utilize strategic planning and purposeful directives to ensure we remain a high value to our members, provide strong advocacy, and outreach to our community.

We focus on bringing the right skills to the Board to ensure we reach our goals. This type of thinking has ensured our excellence for over one hundred years, leading the rental housing.

At this time, the Board is seeking experienced owners and property managers with strengths in collaboration and community building, bringing value to the membership with transformative, innovative ideas, and an interest in advocacy.

The Nominating Committee is accepting applications from owners, property managers and associate/supplier member candidates for consideration to serve on the Board of Directors for a two-year term.  Candidates must complete an online application and a skills questionnaire to be considered. Complete applications must be received by June 30, 2023. For more information, please contact Alan Pentico, Executive Director, or Nominating Committee Chairperson, Lucinda Lilley, at 858-776-6333 or by email

Submit Your Application

The Board meets six times a year in odd months and committees meet monthly. Attendance is also expected at in-person retreats, the trade show, and other premier events such as the Golf Classic and the Mark of Excellence Awards.

Directors and Officers comprise the Southern California Rental Housing Association (SCRHA) Board of Directors and have a responsibility of stewardship – to earn and keep the trust of the community for which they are in positions to serve—and will fulfill the following: 

  • Abide by the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and Policies of the SCRHA Attend and actively participate in all six (6) meetings of the Board and/or all Executive Committee meetings if an officer of the Executive Committee, including special meetings, except in case of a family/business emergency. Failure to attend may result in a notice of demand to explain, and/or action by the executive committee and board of directors.
  • Avoid any conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict.  
  • Ensure effective fiscal controls and accountability and ensure the SCRHA meets all legal and corporate requirements. 
  • Approve the annual budget.
  • Attend meetings of committees to which appointed; take on special assignments as needed and participate in ongoing activities and events of the SCRHA.
  • Support in a positive manner all actions taken by the Board of Directors even when in a minority position on such actions.
  • Actions of the board belong to the board.
  • Participate in (1) the annual strategic planning retreat, (2) board self-evaluation programs, and (3) board development workshops, seminars and other educational events that enhance my skills as a board member.
  • Keep confidential information confidential.
  • Exercise authority as a board member only when acting in a meeting with the full board or as delegated by the board.
  • Work with and respect the opinions of peers who serve this board, and leave personal prejudices out of all board discussions.
  • Always act in the best interests of the SCRHA and represent the interests of all people served by the SCRHA, and excuse self from discussions and votes where there is a personal conflict of interest.
  • Stay informed about what’s going on in the SCRHA. Ask questions and request information Participate in and take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies, and other board matters.
  • Accept responsibility for providing oversight of the financial condition of the SCRHA.  
  • Determine, monitor, and strengthen the organization’s programs and services.
  • Understand that administrative issues are the responsibility of management, except to monitor the results of the organization.
  • Assure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability.
  • Assist in recruiting new members.
  • Work in good faith with staff and other board members as partners towards achievement of SCRHA goals.

The following are the general guidelines Board members of the Southern California Rental Housing Association are expected to abide by. It is the obligation of all Officers and Directors of the Board of Directors of the Southern California Rental Housing Association (SCRHA) and its affiliated entities when acting on behalf of the organization(s), to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws; to uphold the principle and purposes of the organization(s); and to act in accordance with the highest standards of ethical business conduct.

To establish attendance as a high priority for not only meetings of the Board of Directors, but also or including committees or task forces on which you serve.

Attendance Requirements:

  • SCRHA Board of Directors - A Board member may be relieved of his or her position by a 2/3 vote of the Board if absent from three (3) consecutive meetings or six (6) meetings within a calendar year without reasonable cause. 
  • SCRHA Standing Committees, Special Committees, and Task Forces – A committee member may be relieved of their position if they fail to attend two (2) consecutive meetings without previous notification or if they do not attend at least 50 percent of the regularly scheduled meetings of a standing committee without valid excuses approved by the chairperson.

To come prepared to discuss the issues and business to be addressed at scheduled meetings, having read the agenda and relevant background material.  I will be familiar with and observe parliamentary procedures as well as display courteous conduct in all Board, committee, and task force meetings. 

To represent the SCRHA and the rental housing industry in a positive and supportive manner. To be supportive of actions taken by the Board of Directors even when you are in a minority position on such actions. 

To refrain from intruding on administrative issues that are the responsibility of management, except to monitor the results and prohibit methods that conflict with the policy of the Board of Directors of the SCRHA and its affiliated entities.

To not enter into agreements or conduct business on behalf of the SCRHA or its affiliated entities without the express written approval of the Executive Director or the Board of Directors. 

You agree to serve on at least one committee or task force, attend committee/task force meetings, and participate in the accomplishment of its objectives.  If you chair a committee or a task force, you will:

  • Call meetings as necessary until objectives are met.
  • Ensure that the agenda and support materials are distributed to the members in advance of the meetings.
  • Conduct the meetings in an orderly, fair, open and efficient manner.
  • Review committee progress reports/minutes prepared by staff, if appropriate, as scheduled using the adopted format.
  • Participate in:
    • Self-Evaluation Programs - Board development workshops, seminars, and other educational events, which enhance skills as a Board member.
    • Fundraising - To ensure the organization has adequate funding for its programs.
    • Legislative Advocacy on Behalf of the Industry - To read, and understand the information provided about local lobbying laws and understand that you must report any lobbying activities conducted with local government representatives on behalf of the SCRHA to the SCRHA and/or its affiliated entities within 48 hours of the contact.

To not knowingly disclose or share with any unauthorized person confidential information gained by reason of information shared as a result of my position with the organization.  This includes, but is not limited to, information that the SCRHA and its affiliated entities have stamped, announced, or otherwise designated "confidential."  It also applies where the need for confidentiality is obvious, evident or reasonable from the nature of the material or the context of the situation without explicit designation. Examples include, but are not limited to, discussion about actions of a member of the SCRHA or about personnel of the SCRHA and its affiliated entities and information provided in confidence to SCRHA and its affiliated entities by its attorneys.   Additionally, the SCRHA and its affiliated entities shall maintain confidentiality of employee and member records, and you should not engage in any business or professional activity that might induce me to disclose confidential information acquired based on my position with the organization. 

If you have any questions, please call the SCRHA office at 858.278.8070 or email for more information.

Submit Your Application