California Senate and Assembly Pass SB 91 (Statewide Eviction Moratorium)

Posted By: Molly Kirkland Legislative Updates,

The legislation to extend protections against eviction for non-payment of rent due to COVID-19 and to create a rental assistance framework (SB 91) was passed by both Assembly and Senate today. Governor Newson has already indicated his support of the bill and is expected to sign it immediately.

Thank you to all those that sent messages to your elected leaders. While no changes were made, many of your concerns were echoed by legislators prior to voting and we have successfully laid the groundwork for improving the law. SCRHA will continue to work with Senators and Assemblymembers to find more balanced solutions.

SCRHA is already working to update forms and create guidelines on how to navigate the new legislation. Much of the process for addressing non-payment of rent will remain the same as under the previous law, AB 3088. We are updating the mandatory 15-Day Notice to Pay or Quit with the new required language and reviewing any other forms that may need updating. The updated Pay or Quit form will apply to notices delivered on or after February 1, 2021 for the expanded “Transition Period” which now is in place through June 30, 2021. A hardship declaration will still need to accompany that form.

As soon as is practicable, the SCRHA will host webinars to advise on the implementation of the new requirements.

SCRHA will share more information on the Rental Assistance program in the near future. The State still has to get that part of the plan up and running. We will also keep members posted on other Rental Assistance programs. Cities and counties will be relaunching local programs very soon as well.

Thank you again for making your voice heard and provided much needed housing in the community.