Call for Presenters


Contribute Your Knowledge and Expertise! 

The SCRHA Education Committee invites all SCRHA members and industry partners  to submit a proposal to present an educational seminar on their topic of expertise.

The SCRHA education program covers a range of topics and is targeted to meet the multi-housing industry and independent owner’s needs. Our students look for real-world solutions to real-world problems. 

We are focused on delivering programs that delve into timely issues impacting the industry now. 

Please include the following information in the proposal: 

  • The topic (s) and outline(s) 
  • Length of presentation 
  • The intended audience
  • Attendance – If the registration numbers are low, is there an attendance minimum that needs to be met before the offering is cancelled?  
  • Are you comfortable presenting virtually and with being recorded. 
  • Can they be customized for any additional needs?  

Please be aware that the Association usually charges a fee for educational sessions and sessions may be recorded for future use. All education offerings must be strictly educational and informational.

Session proposals are submitted to the Education department and reviewed by the Education Committee for consideration. 

We depend on our speakers to create a valuable educational experience for our members so thank you in advance for your desire to share your experience and knowledge! 

Submit Your Proposal