Legislative Update - August 18, 2022

Legislative Updates,

Chula Vista Tenant Protection Ordinance Tentatively Slated for Sept. 13
SCRHA has been notified that the prosed ordinance to give Chula Vista tenants additional protections beyond state law may be heard on September 13. As SCRHA has reported, the hearing on the ordinance has been rescheduled several times. The draft ordinance has been revised and provides even more protections than the version last heard by council. Protections against “no fault” termination of tenancy would kick in at day one of tenancy, despite city leaders claiming they want to protect “long-term Chula Vista residents.” SCRHA is reviewing the new draft and will provide an analysis leading up to the hearing. Sign up for SCRHA Action Alerts so you can be notified once the City Council Docket is available.